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      PiFace Motor Control Extra
      • PiFace Motor Control Extra

      PiFace Motor Control Extra

      5.523 kr
      7.890 kr
      Sparaðu 30%
      Með vsk.Innan 2-3 daga
      Síðustu vörur á lager

      PiFace MOTOR CONTROL EXTRA is a expander board to the PIFACE RELAY+ board adding two H-Bridge motor controllers to the PiFace RELAY+ to control DC and stepper motors in your programs.


      Product Overview

      PiFace MOTOR CONTROL EXTRA is a expander board to the PIFACE RELAY+ board adding two H-Bridge motor controllers to the PiFace RELAY+ to control DC and stepper motors in your programs. PiFace MOTOR CONTROL EXTRA requires PiFace RELAY+ board to work your Raspberry Pi.
      • Two H-Bridge motor controllers on board
      • Works with DC and stepper motors
      • Can be used on a breadboard but needs PiFace RELAY+ to be used with Raspberry Pi
      This product must be used inconjunction with PiFace Relay+

      Product Information

      Silicon Manufacturer:
      Core Architecture:
      Core Sub-Architecture:
      Silicon Core Number:
      Silicon Family Name:
      For Use With:
      Compatible with Raspberry Pi 3 Mod, Raspberry Pi 2 Model B, Raspberry Pi Model B+/A+
      Kit Contents:
      Motor EXTRA Board
      Product Range:
      2 Dual H­bridge Motor Drivers, Drives 4 DC Motors, Compact Size, Raspberry Pi HAT Footprint
      2 Vörur

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      PiFace Motor Control Extra

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      PiFace Motor Control Extra

      PiFace Motor Control Extra

      5.523 kr
      7.890 kr
      Sparaðu 30%
      Með vsk.Innan 2-3 daga